Saturday 20 July 2013

Every week is hectic!

I was thinking I've had a very hectic week when I realised that at the moment every week is hectic! 

Now that I'm into my notice period I'm starting to hand over my work and the accumulated knowledge from 18 years in the job. This week we've made a plan for my final 8 weeks at work and we're starting to work through it. I'm glad that I've given 3 months notice. My last day will be Thursday 12th September and we're starting to send out invitations to my leaving event. 

When I get home after work, I start on the preparation for the placement. I've had two injections this week, the first one for rabies protection and a booster for Hepatitis A and Typhoid. I've not had any problems with the injections so far I'm pleased to say and it's infinitely better than getting the diseases!!

Planning for the fundraising ceilidh in aid of VSO is moving forward with the tickets now on sale and posters up around the village. It should be an enjoyable evening as well as, hopefully, a successful fundraiser.
 I also joined the local York VSO support group at their meeting on Wednesday evening. It was great to hear about the experiences of returned volunteers. Unfortunately with the summer holidays upon us it is the last meeting I will be able to go to before I leave. But it's good to know that I will be able to bring back my experience to share with the group in 2 years time. I also now have some knowledgeable people to ask the very many questions I have. 

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