Monday 24 February 2014

Travels Around Uganda

Having spent the last 4 weeks on the road visiting all of the partners to complete the Minimum Requirements assessments along with other visits, I've had the opportunity to see a lot more of the country and meet lots of people. I've been all over the North and also visited the South West. 

Here are some of the different things I've seen on the roadside

Mobile phone shops are everywhere, often several on the same street. Nearly everyone has a mobile phone and you can get a signal in most places.

Tea plantations are common sights in the South West and in the Jinja area.

Matoke is a very popular national dish, especially in the southern half of the country and around Kampala. This is made from green bananas, also called Matoke, cooked in banana leaves. You see lorries or even bodas loaded with Matoke and also lots of bunches for sale in the roadside markets.

This is a typical African village. The picture was taken in the West Nile region in the North West but you see these villages all over. 

Roadside markets are another very common sight in almost all villages and towns and often on a small scale in the middle of the countryside. On our way back to Kampala on a Friday we usually stock up with fruit and vegetables from the local markets as they are fresher and cheaper than in Kampala. 

It's always exciting to see animals from the road, not uncommon around the National Parks.

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