Sunday 16 March 2014

It was good to see you Kieran!

This week our son Kieran has been over to visit us in Kampala. It was so good to see him after 5 months and show him around Kampala and the surrounding area. We had a very busy but enjoyable week!

Saturday 8th March
The alarm goes off at 3.30am and we drink a quick cup of tea (Ugandan!) and drive down to Entebbe airport. You can see why everyone tries to avoid driving at night, with Ugandan driving, dust and car headlights it's very challenging. Arrived safely at just the same time as Kieran got through immigration and baggage collection. After a short chat over a cup of coffee in the arrivals lounge we drove back to the flat to see the sun rise over Kampala. Then breakfast followed by a couple of hours of sleep.

Later on Saturday we went over to the Logogo Mall to have a look around and pick up the shopping for the week. Then back to the flat for sausage sandwiches and bananas and a look at all of the goodies Kieran had brought out for us - Yorkshire tea, Glen's rechargeable drill, a box of drill bits and insect repellent gel to name but a few!

As it cooled down later in the afternoon we went over to look at the craft markets in the centre of Kampala then a walk up the hill to Cafe Roma for a lovely dinner followed by an early night.

Sunday 9th March
We drove down the Masaka road to the Equator in time for lunch at the AidChild cafe and some pictures.

Then we headed back towards Kampala stopping at the Mpanga forest for a look around and a forest walk. We were all surprised by how dry it was. I think we expected a piece of tropical rain forest to be wetter, even though it is the end of the dry season.

What was that!!

Monday 10th March
Unfortunately I had to go to work! However, Glen and Kieran continued exploring with a trip into Kampala using the Matatu and a walk around Owino market and the Parliament area. In the evening we went up to Cassia lodge for a drink and a look at their wonderful view out over Lake Victoria.

Tuesday 11th March
In the evening Glen had a rehearsal with the Kampala singers so Kieran and I went as far as the Garden City Mall with him before heading off to the Craft Market behind the National Theatre to find a birthday present for him and some souvenirs for Kieran to take home. We then walked back to Oasis for a shared pizza and a look around the shops before meeting up again with Glen to come home.

Wednesday 12th March 
Glen and Kieran headed down to Ggaba beach on the Matatu but luckily headed back fairly early as the weather broke around 2.30pm with an enormous thunderstorm and downpour. The rainy season has arrived! In the evening we joined some VSO volunteers for dinner and drinks at Cafe Kawa.

Thursday 13th March
Thursday was a quiet day working on the Rav 4 and preparing for a couple of days away.

Friday 14th March
Are we in Africa? It was a cold, grey wet day, more typical of Yorkshire than Kampala? Nevertheless we are used to the rain so it didn't deter us and we set off as planned for a trip to Jinja. We decided to go the longer northern route rather than the main busy Jinja road. Once we reached the Ntinda area to the North East of Kampala we decided we needed a coffee stop! Then onwards to the Kalagala falls where the Nile runs through some rapids and a small waterfall. We had a very nice lunch stop on the banks of the Nile then through Jinja to the Nile River Explorers camp by the new Bujagali lake. A hydroelectric dam has created a beautiful peaceful lake on the Nile and the bar area overlooks this fabulous view.

After all of the rain we had an interesting drive along the now very muddy murram road to the site but despite a short hold up while a 4*4 tried unsuccessfully to pull a truck out of the ditch, we made it safely to our overnight stop.

Saturday 15th March
Despite hearing some rain in the night the normal African sun was back to greet us in the morning. Today we decided to celebrate Glen's birthday 3 days early so that Kieran could be with us. After a full English cooked breakfast, our first away from home in Africa, we headed back along the much drier murram road into Jinja for a short wander around. Then back on the main Jinja road to Kampala. Full circle with a Saturday lunchtime visit to Logogo Mall for a burger lunch and the shopping for the week.

We got home mid afternoon to find air escaping from the front tyre, we must have found a nail as we drove down the track to the flat. A quick change of tyre, it was good to have 2 car geniuses available, and down onto Ggaba Road to find a puncture repair. Then a quiet afternoon, a beer / G&T overlooking the sunset from the balcony, a chat with some other volunteers and a late supper. At midnight we headed off again to Entebbe airport arriving at 1.10am, exactly 4 hours before Kieran's flight!

Sunday 16th March
It seems strange being just Glen and I again. It's been a lovely week with Kieran here and we look forward to them both coming over in June. So preparations for work again tomorrow with the usual Sunday washing and catching up with e mails and blog. Mixed with following the flight status to see where his flights have got to. He's due back at Manchester around 6.30pm Ugandan time!

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