Saturday 28 June 2014

It's so sad to say 'Goodbye'!

We knew it would happen but it is very sad to be saying goodbye to so many of the friends we have made over the past 9 months! VSO volunteers tend to be mobile, are on different length contracts and start at different times so arrivals and departures is part of the experience. But we live and work so closely together it is a wrench when someone leaves. Also leaving tends to involve travelling to the other side of the world so there is no popping in for a cup of coffee and a chat!

In June and July there are so many leavers including many close friends, returning to Indonesia, Holland, the UK and India via Barcelona. So life is currently a string of goodbye parties and meals out and will be followed by a gaping hole in August when there will only be a few of us left in Kampala. Time to recruit some more volunteers for Uganda VSO.

Thank you all for your friendship and support and we are going to miss you. Safe travels wherever life takes you and we hope to meet up again sometime. I think we might do some globe-trotting when we get back to York at the end of 2015!

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