Sunday 21 September 2014

A Weekend in Lake Mburo

It was my birthday last Monday so we decided to treat ourselves to a weekend away in Lake Mburo this weekend. I was in Gulu last week and Glen was teaching an IT class until 6 on Friday so we couldn't leave until Saturday morning. Then we went first to the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and got ourselves a pass to the Ugandan parks and reserves. This is available to residents and citizens of Uganda and allows unlimited access for a year. We plan to make good use of it.

So after getting our pass and a quick cup of coffee and shared chocolate croissant in Cafe Java we were on our way. We stopped for a light lunch at the Equator and arrived at the park at about 4. We had heard great reviews of Rwaboko Rock from our VSO friends so we booked a banda. It's a lovely spot on top of a rock just outside the park boundary with fantastic views.

We checked in, settled into our banda then headed down to the park entrance. We didn't have to go far to start seeing the wildlife.

A herd of Ankole Cattle on the road.

After a quick look around we headed back to the Rock for a lovely dinner, relaxing evening and very comfortable night. This morning we woke up to a full cooked breakfast and were ready to have a proper look at the Park.


We found a restaurant with a fantastic view of the lake for a coffee stop

With a tree full of bright yellow weaver birds just on the water's edge

We finally headed back to the Rock for lunch and sat watching impala and baboons from the restaurant.

Then sadly back to the hustle and bustle of Kampala living ready to start the new week.

What a fantastic way to spend a weekend.

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