Sunday 5 July 2015

VSO Annual Forum and Return to Work

The VSO Annual Forum was later in the year this year, at the end of June rather than the end of March. This was because of the change in the VSO Uganda Country Director, but it was perfect for us as we had one day of rest after our flight home then three days at the forum.

The schedule was the same as in 2014 with a first day for our partner organisations as well as the staff and volunteers, the second day of activities for staff and volunteers and a final day of team building and fun. This year the focus was around the VSO Uganda Country Strategic Plan consultations. We all had an opportunity to consider the direction of the Uganda office over the next few years in line with the overall strategic direction agreed by London.

For the final day this year we had a morning of team games in the VSO compound, including a photo treasure hunt in teams. The afternoon was free to rest and recover then we spent the evening at the Ndere Cultural Centre. I went there in my first week in country and then again just after Glen arrived. However, recently volunteers have been arriving in ones and twos so many haven't been to the centre. We had a very enjoyable evening, a chance to mix and catch up with people and a show that meant a lot more now that we are more familiar with the different regions and cultural identity of Uganda.

The pictures are not great as I was struggling to get the right amount of light. Without the flash the pictures were bright and colourful but out of focus, with the flash they were in focus but dark. I had to include the final photo of the girls carrying the pots on their heads. They add more and more pots to the stack on their heads while continuing to dance.

After all of the excitement we were glad of a quiet weekend. Then on Monday it was back to work. The week seemed to go very slowly but the days are counting down and there is so much still to achieve.

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