Friday 25 September 2015

The 7 Hills Revolving Restaurant

Yesterday was a public holiday in Uganda so we decided to have one final trip into Kampala city centre in search of souvenirs and a nice lunch. The car has been sold so we are back to travelling on a matatu. We walked around the hill into Bukesa so that we could get a ride to the Jinja Road and save the long walk across the city. It was probably just as well as with the holiday we didn't see many and it was good to board at the starting point for the journey.

Riding on a matatu is always interesting. There are 14 official seats, including 3 that fold down into the corridor. However, children, goats, chickens and the conductor don't count. On top of that the conductor will often try to squeeze an extra person in so you usually travel with 4 people squeezed into each 3 seat row. Not so great for Glen who finds a matatu pretty small anyway!

Once we were in the city we headed to Banana Boat in the Garden City Mall to buy our souvenirs. Next door is the Golf Course Hotel which has a revolving restaurant on the 12th floor. Bizarrely it is closed on Sunday but it was open yesterday despite the public holiday and we settled ourselves in to enjoy our lunch and the 360 degree view of the city.

The section of the floor with the dining tables on revolves slowly, completing a full revolution in around an hour and 15 minutes. The bar and serving areas doesn't move so it must be odd for the waitress when the food appears to have to go and find her customers who have moved since she took their orders!

A bonus was the best steak we've had in Uganda! I wasn't allowed to eat it until Glen had taken the picture!

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