Monday 25 November 2013

Life with an African Beat!

Life here definitely has an African drum beat! From the dancing, singing and music at the Ndere Cultural centre last Sunday to the band and singer at Jazzville on Wednesday evening to the drums and music we can often hear in the evenings from the flat and the singing at a BBQ we went to yesterday evening. Ugandans have a wonderful natural sense of rhythm we don't get close to in the UK. A colleague at work is trying to find a proper Ugandan drum, one made for musicians to use not just for the tourist market, to take back to Ireland with her. Hearing the sounds and wonderful rhythms will transport her straight back to East Africa. Although carrying it on your head is optional!

Life is starting to settle into a routine here in Kampala. The day starts with a climb up the track to find a boda boda to take me into work. Although it should be possible to arrange a regular driver to pick me up from the gates and save the walk up the hill! Then the arrival at work and the routine of greeting everyone and asking how they are, did they have a good weekend / evening etc. A proper hour lunch break either going to a local restaurant for rice and beans with colleagues or having a sandwich and reading the papers in the office. Then home via the fruit and vegetable market stalls to collect the lovely fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables for dinner. I don't have to walk very far carrying a motorcycle helmet before a boda boda stops to offer me a ride.

There is a lovely group of VSO volunteers and honorary volunteers here in Kampala and we usually meet up for dinner on Wednesday and Friday evenings at one of the local restaurants. One of the joys of living here is the range of restaurants available with meals for a very reasonable price. In fact eating out is nearly the same price as eating in. The weather is always warm so we can sit outside to eat all year around, although you need the insect repellent to keep the mosquitos at bay.

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