Sunday 27 July 2014

In Search of a Shoebill

The Shoebill looks almost prehistoric with it's large clog-shaped bill. It is a very large bird standing around 4 to 5 feet tall. The bill is around 20cm long and almost as wide, the largest among all living bird species.  It is classified as threatened and is only found in the East Africa, mainly in Sudan and Tanzania, although the easiest places to see them in the wild are in Uganda.

It's hunting method is to stand stationary for long periods, sometimes several hours, waiting for it's prey come within catching distance. Then it suddenly lunges down to catch the prey in it's large bill.

As one of the best places to see the Shoebill in the wild is the Mabamba swamp near Entebbe we decided to spend today in search of a Shoebill. It is remarkable how quickly you get away from the busy Kampala - Entebbe corridor and escape onto murram roads and beautiful countryside.

There is a lack of signposts or detailed maps so we got lost a couple of times but eventually found our way to Mabamba and found a boat and a guide to take us out into the swamp.

As we came around a corner there it was

Of course the Shoebill isn't the only bird in the swamp and as we moved around in the boat we saw lots of other birds and also beautiful waterlilies.

African Jacana

A lovely way to spend a Sunday. 

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