Saturday 15 November 2014

Au Revoir Glen!

So after 362 days in Uganda Glen returned home to the UK in the early hours of Friday morning. The return portion of his air ticket was only valid within a year so he had to leave or buy another one! The flat feels very empty and also surprisingly large on my own. But I was in Uganda on my own for over 6 weeks at the start of the placement so 3 weeks this time won't feel so long.

Some pictures of our year in Uganda:

Glen outside Namirembe Cathedral just before Christmas

Getting rather too friendly with a baby elephant at Entebbe in Febrary

Murchison Falls at Easter

With our sons at Lake Bunyoni in June

Pizza by the beach in Entebbe after tracking down the Shoebill in July

Heading up Wanale Ridge on Mount Eldon in October

I'm also counting down the days until my flight home for a month over Christmas. We will return together early in the new year for another 9 months. How will I feel when I get home? Will I look forward to returning to the sunshine and my wonderful friends and colleagues here in Uganda? Or will I be having so much fun with our friends and family in the UK that I won't want to come back? It certainly looks like the first few months of the new year are going to be incredibly hectic at my placement - is that good or bad? I like to be busy but work here can be too busy!

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing everyone in the UK and we have a lovely schedule of visits, parties and meals with friends lined up plus a family Christmas in a cottage.

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