Sunday 2 November 2014


It's been a hive of activity here today. We bought some lovely bright material in the market in Gulu while we were on holiday and we've been busy turning it into kitchen curtains.  We've got one finished and the curtain for the door. The second curtain is my project for this evening!

We decided we need some kitchen curtains now as there are some new houses behind us nearing completion. These have been built far closer than would ever have been allowed in the UK and we sometimes feel we have the builders joining us at the breakfast table!

This is the view from the flat now

And this is the view we had in January complete with a Woodland Kingfisher. He is still around but now sits on the electricity wires at the front of the house.

All of the building work has had the advantage that the road outside, which was challenging when we arrived, has now been surfaced.

November 2013 with a truck stuck in the mud

November 2014

It's only when you put the pictures side by side you realise just how much development has been happening around here in the past year.

Next week is going to be a busy week with the Finance Conference I've been planning and preparing for taking place. We have 87 participants booked in! More on that next weekend.

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