Sunday 15 March 2015

St Patrick's Day Ball

Yesterday was our first and probably only opportunity in the two year placement to dress up and head out to a smart evening event. It was the Irish Society in Uganda annual St Patrick's Day Gala Ball.

It was held in the ballroom at the Sheraton hotel, which looked the part with green lights and beautifully dressed tables

There was a 5 course meal, including a lovely cheese board, always popular in Kampala, lots of wine, Guinness and Irish whiskey and a live band. It's the main event of the year for the Irish community in Kampala and was supported by the Irish Ambassador and invited guests including the British High Commissioner. The band was great, swapping effortlessly between supporting children singing, classic Irish music and cover versions of the popular songs that always get people up dancing.

It ran to Ugandan time with the main course served at 10.10, but otherwise was a lovely evening and a good chance to get to know some of the Irish community in Uganda. Working with an Irish NGO it was a must do event during my placement.

Today is Mother's Day in the UK so we followed the tradition we set last year and went to Cafe Roma for Sunday lunch.

All together a wonderful weekend.

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