Monday 28 October 2013

A Day out to Entebbe

I've now moved into the flat and have been busy cleaning, tidying and finding homes for everything. Everyone else is doing much the same, starting our placements and getting settled into our accommodation so a group of the VSO volunteers decided that we needed a day out on Saturday. We decided to go and see Lake Victoria and headed to Entebbe.

We decided to travel by Matatu. These are the 14 seater minibuses that travel all over Kampala and to nearby places such as Entebbe. They are cheap and effective if you know the route you want to take. However there are no timetables, bus stops, numbers or route maps so you need some local knowledge to be able to use them. The trip to Entebbe took about an hour and cost us 3000 UGX each or around 75p!

Once there we looked for the botanical gardens. It was amazing to see mahogany, ebony, frankincense and nutmeg trees growing in the gardens. There are also the most beautiful large flowers on several of the trees.

However, I think the highlight of the trip was our meeting with the group of velvet monkeys living in the gardens. Especially as there were 2 new babies in the group which were only a day old.

After all that excitement it was time for lunch. This was a shared feast of fish and chips in a little cafe on the shores of Lake Victoria. As much as the 5 of us could eat for 60,000 UGX = £15!


  1. Glad you are into your flat now, I'm sure it will soon feel like home. Hope you are feeling better. The buses sounded a great adventure, we saw lots of similar ones in Tanzania, but were no where near brave enough to try them!

  2. Sounds a most interesting adventure - a mix of safari and being a first year student again! What fun! I'm glad you got your flat sorted out and have had the chance to explore. I'll be popping into your blog again soon to keep in touch. Good luck and much love, Barbara xxx

    PS: some sad news - Aunty Doris died on 26th October. The funeral is next Thursday 14th.
