Wednesday 9 October 2013

The First Week

What a lot has happened in a week!

We've now completed our In Country Orientation training, which was excellent. As well as sessions on the Country Strategy, Phones and Wifi, Accommodation, Finance, Corruption and politics we also went on a tour of Kampala on Saturday and a visit to a cultural centre on Sunday evening.

The centre of Kampala. Yes it really is this chaotic. There is traffic everywhere with 14 seater minibus taxis going all over the town and the Boda Boda motorbike taxis weaving in and out of the traffic. I'm not sure whether I am ever going to have the courage to use the Boda Bodas but the other volunteers do say they are one of the best ways of getting around.

I think all of the volunteers would agree that the visit to the Ndere cultural centre on Sunday evening has to be the highlight of our time here so far. A real opportunity to see the dances and songs from the different areas of East Africa with an excellent compere who kept us all entertained and explained the different dances. The evening ended with the whole audience on our feet joining in.

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